Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Quilt in Progress

This has been an amazingly quick quilt top to put together. I started cutting a couple of weekends ago, but didn't start with the piecing till this weekend. With a couple of hours on Friday night and about another hour today I have finished the main part of the top. I'm very pleased with it: it has a fresh, bright modern look to it, but with the oranges and ochres still has a warmth to the colourscheme. The Japanese style prints are bold without being loud, and I love the haphazard layout, the white squares and extra pieced squres in some blocks; elements which were actually borne of necessity, not design.

Now it needs borders.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Well, its been a while since my last update. the Book Illustration class was changed to an earlier time, so I've had to drop out, which is a shame, but I've had some inspiration, and collaboration, on an idea, so I'm going to work towards that.