Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hooray! Spring!

Spring is my favourite time of year (although Autumn is a very close second), and today, I am officially declaring it is spring in the bloomeenee household, because there are Narcissi in my garden*!

*I say my garden, its strictly neither garden nor mine, but 'bit of wasteland which I occasionally chuck seeds at in vain attempts to cheer it up' takes too long to type...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Oooooh! Shiny new quilt project!

Modern Block of the Month (BOM) ~ Sew Along with Alissa Haight Carlton « Sew,Mama,Sew! Blog

I just found out about this, which just goes to show how long it is since I read the sewmamasew blog! It could be a good project for the butterfly fabric and coordinates I have had in my fabric stash.since I started a fabric stash! I loved them when I bought them, and had plans to really show off the.butterfly fabric, but my taste has changed and now I find it 'a bit much'... This could be the thing to highlight the beautiful colours whilst toning down the print...