Sunday, September 1, 2013

Thoughts on Blogging and Life

A while ago I had the idea to start separate blog... not quite a fat-acceptance blog, and not a weight-loss one either. Something in-between, to collect my thoughts on body image and generally being nice to myself, looking after myself, mind and body, without jumping into some sort of a magical thinking diet mentality.
This was the first post:

"It's taken a hell of a long time, but I recently realised that no commercial diet was going to counteract more than twenty years of weirdness around food and self-image.

As a little kid,I was skinny and ill all the time, but from around the age of eight, I started getting fatter, and I guess i started comfort/emotional eating around the same time.   That increased a few years later and has carried on ever since. I lost a lot of weight when I was about 16, but it never actually improved my body image (and that's a post in itself).

This blog is going to be part of my goal of getting my head around my relationship with food, and making peace with my body.

There will be healthy eating stuff, but there will also be fat acceptance stuff. There will be exercise stuff, there will be fashion stuff and there will be mental health stuff. There may even be recipes for cake."

A little while after I posted this, I started thinking about my tendency to compartmentalise my thinking, which I don't think is a good thing (that in itself could be  a loooooong post... maybe one day), and how really, I could post everything in one place... I don't need to separate things out.

So, in short, I may start getting introspective here, because basically, that is part of who I am just as much as reading, crafting, writing,  my love of art, and all the other things that make me me.


Post script...
I had called this blog Benevolent Brownies, and I'm going to use that label here for this sort of post. Why? Here's the explanation from the other blog...
"Me and the lovely Nicola (who I share an intermittent gardening blog with at 
Hyacinthoides Non-scriptawere talking about the tendency a lot of people have to categorise food as either 'good' or 'bad'... we both try to avoid doing it ourselves, and both get irritated by it. the conversation went something like this:

Me: It's not like food has morals is it?
N: Exactly! Like, oh, that banana regularly gives to Medicin Sans Frontier but those chips got into a fight on friday in the pub!
Me: Ahahahahahahaha! Yeah what about the brownie that always buys the big issue, or the celery that stole from the charity collection!

I could've used 'Cakes that Care', or 'Charitable Chocolate' or 'Protesting Potatoes', or 'Magnanimous Milkshakes'*, I suppose, but 'Benevolent Brownies' made me smile.

*Yes, I love alliteration. What of it?"

Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Gently Productive Weekend

This weekend has been pleasingly productive...
I have made delicious brownies (well, ok that was Friday but I took Friday off so that counts as the start of a long weekend), I have made a start on a new quilt, and sewn a skirt!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lazy-girl baking

I was inspired by the "slutty brownies" recipe on The Londoner's blog to bake indulgent gooiness from packet mixes :-)
The result is these delicious peanut butter cookie dough brownies... Yum!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Random meandering, finding beautiful things

So, this year's Solfest fancy dress theme is 'Characters from Roald Dahl Books'... My initial reaction was "ooh, that'll be great!" but after further thought, it's difficult to think of anything that isn't predictable (I suspect there will be many Willy Wonka outfits) or difficult for a festival.
Hence I turned to google image search.
I'm no further forward, but have found other beautiful things...
Take this for example:

Missed Connections: Time Out NY Competition Winner
This was found via an image result which took me to Sparkplug Minuet, which is pretty and distracted me for about 5 minutes, then I saw that image and fell in love with the illustration. Then I read the accompanying text and fell for it a little bit more...

My costuming inspiration search uncovered more specific gorgeous illusrations too,  all related to James & The Giant Peach.
Firstly there were costume designs, for the stage version, all of which are in this flickr set, but it was the centipede that really caught my eye:
Isn't he dapper? I especially love the mustard yellow spats.

All of this got me thinking of my own beloved tatttered and battered copy from the early eighties, the version with the illustrations by Nancy Ekholm Burkert (there's a brilliant blog post about her work here). As a child, I thought James looked a bit odd, and to be honest I still do, but I love the rest of the illustrations even more now than I did then. They have such a dreamlike quality to them, and capture that combination of silly playfulness and darker, scarier things that Dahl does so well...

My search also brought up some fabulous cover illustrations, submissions for The Puffin Design Award 2011. Here are a few of my finds:

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hooray! Spring!

Spring is my favourite time of year (although Autumn is a very close second), and today, I am officially declaring it is spring in the bloomeenee household, because there are Narcissi in my garden*!

*I say my garden, its strictly neither garden nor mine, but 'bit of wasteland which I occasionally chuck seeds at in vain attempts to cheer it up' takes too long to type...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Oooooh! Shiny new quilt project!

Modern Block of the Month (BOM) ~ Sew Along with Alissa Haight Carlton « Sew,Mama,Sew! Blog

I just found out about this, which just goes to show how long it is since I read the sewmamasew blog! It could be a good project for the butterfly fabric and coordinates I have had in my fabric stash.since I started a fabric stash! I loved them when I bought them, and had plans to really show off the.butterfly fabric, but my taste has changed and now I find it 'a bit much'... This could be the thing to highlight the beautiful colours whilst toning down the print...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

More Weekend Sewing

So, I was tidying the spare room on Friday night, and of course I decided that was the perfect time to make a new bag. the pattern is from issue 32 of Sew Hip magazine, and it was really easy.
It's a fab pattern, slouchy, absolutely huge, can be made from fat quarters! It'd be great made with patched panels too. The pattern is intended to be reversible but I adapted mine to have an internal zipped pocket and a phone pocket, and added a Suffolk Puff and a fabric loop to act as a closure.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Owls! Get your chubby little owls here!

Have been having a nice calming crafty day... Well, up to the point when I realised I'd sewn the wrong bit to the wrong bit and need to do some unpicking, but it was fixable. Overall it's been a lovely day, with tea, cake and sewing...

I've spent most of the time on the patchwork bag shown below. I used the wonderful Sprocket Pillow tutorial at CluckCluckSewfor the patchwork, and Aimee Ray's 'Happy Village' pattern from 100 Pretty Little Projects for the construction. I'm really pleased with it, and also made the patchwork piece for a sprocket cushion proper. Allison at CluckCluckSew does say that " The only problem with them is that you can’t make just one…trust me …I tried"... I think I agree with her, it may be the first of my new sewing addictions.

My second new sewing obsession?
Tiny, dinky, chubby little owls!
I found this great tutorial while browsing on Pinterest, it's so simple it doesn't even need words, and the resulting owls are really really sweet.

I've had a pleasingly productive weekend overall, having already finished making myself a hat and dyeing some of my handspun yarn. It's not dry and ready for photographs yet, but this is the 'before' photo...

I had kool-aid dyed the roving before spinning it, and it was a nice enough colour, just not very me (it's a sort of watermelony pink). I've overdyed it with two different darker shades of kool-aid, just waiting for it to dry, can't wait to knit it!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Apparently you're meant to do this blogging thing quite regularly...

Hello chums, some more wittering here... special end of year edition.
Well, I've had a lovely christmas, it was peaceful, I got lovel presents, and recipients all seemed pleased with theirs.

As is traditional, I finished the Christmas knitting three days after christmas... oops! Next year I shall cast on christmans projects earlier, honest.

So, its the time of year for New Year's resolutions. I don't really 'do' New Year, or new years resolutions, but that said there are things I'd like to do for myself.
I used to be so much more organised than I am now, and I'd like to get some of that back, so with this in mind I've organised my knitting plans for the year (nearly all of it from stash!) and I intend to meal-plan.

I've had the resources and intention to make my own clothes for a while now, so that's something I want to spend more time on, as well as more arty things.

And of course, I should blog about all of these things!

Hmmmm, lets see how that goes shall we?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Erm, hello!

It would be nice to say that the reason I haven't been blogging because I've been too busy gardening, but it wouldn't be true. I have been neglecting both I'm afraid!
That said, the little bits of gardening I have been doing are paying off.
That sad plot of wilderness is now looking much better, although still wild.
It's the sort of wild I like though, look!
I have poppies:

I also have loads of this stuff... Unfortunately I don't have a clue what it is!

I'm also excited to report that I have potatoes! (well, I have potato plants, hopefully they have some potatoes attached to them!)
Most exciting of all though is this cheeky little unseasonal Narcissus, which defied all odds and has appeared in my border from the mysterious and rotten looking bulbs found in a bag at my Grandads house.
Narcissus! In September!

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